The Daily Reveille Editorial Board will be available from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Holliday Forum of the Journalism Building to answer questions, hear complaints and field concerns from the campus community. And we would like to invite all members of the campus community to attend and have their voices heard.
We are excited by the prospect of hearing what your thoughts are about The Daily Reveille and what we can do to better serve the students of this University.
We have said before in this space that our No. 1 priority is to serve the student body as a forum of free expression, and this is our way of gaining an insight into what improvements we can make in order to better fulfill that mission. Any and all questions will be welcomed and encouraged.
As far as we know, The Daily Reveille has never held a forum of this kind, and we view this as an unprecedented way to reach out to our audience and let them know where we stand on issues and how we came to our conclusions.
But more importantly it is an opportunity for us to turn the tables around and hear what the opinions of the campus community are and how you developed your opinions. We encourage those who attend to disagree with us and one another civilly, so we can all have a chance to discuss different perspectives on the issues facing the University.
The ability for community members to freely express their thoughts in an open dialogue is the surest path to educating both ourselves and community members about what The Daily Reveille is and what its mission is on this campus.
You, as students of the University, pay in part for The Daily Reveille’s operation out of your student fees, and this is your opportunity to tell us how we can best use those funds.
We look forward to seeing everyone there, and we cannot wait to hear from you.
—–Send letters to the editor to [email protected]
Our View: Town hall forum today at 5:30 p.m.
October 9, 2006