So far this semester, the opinion pages have had a great deal of discussion on some of the issues affecting this University.
We believe this semester has seen a revival in student dialogue, and students from widely different perspectives are stepping up and showing that they have an interest in how this University is run.
The great benefit of working for a newspaper is that our opinion writers get to take part in these discussions and offer a forum where students can share ideas and come together with the intent of bettering the world around them.
We treasure our role as a newspaper, but it comes at the cost of being impersonal because we seldom have an opportunity to speak to our readers face-to-face.
We want to change that.
This Editorial Board will be holding an open forum Oct. 10, and we invite the entire campus community to come out and share their thoughts, concerns and criticisms concerning The Daily Reveille.
While the location currently awaits final approval, we are excited by the prospect of hearing direct feedback from you, our readers. We will be announcing the final location and time in The Daily Reveille in the next few days. And it is our pledge to you to announce it as soon as we can online at
We have said before that open dialogue is the only avenue by which we can improve society. In that mindset, we would like to hear what your particular concerns are about the stories we have run, the columns we have written and the way we operate. As has been said in other columns outside this space, no topic is off-limits.
We extend this invitation with the intent of offering an opportunity to see how your student fees are being spent. Your student fees contribute a substantial amount to our budget, and we think you should be able to have a say in what we are doing here at The Daily Reveille.
We fully understand that without you, our readers, we would not be able to operate as we do, and this is our way of saying thank you.
So come on out and tell us how you feel.
Remember, we answer to you.
—–Send letters to the editor to [email protected]
Our View: Daily Reveille to hold town hall meeting
September 28, 2006