A petition has been approved for the recall of Student Government President Chris Odinet. While this board applauds the petitioner for taking a stand and voicing his opinion, we think that it would be premature for us to either agree or disagree with his reasons for taking action. We also believe it is premature to offer our opinion on whether Odinet should be removed from office. English senior Ben Couhig filed the petition early Tuesday because he thinks Odinet has displayed an “utter disregard” in handling SG’s budget, shown a “lack of desire” for reshaping the organization and has not reversed “damage” done by former SG leaders and University administrators, as posted on his Web site, www.recallchrisodinet.com. Couhig has 28 days to obtain 15 percent of the student body’s signatures to determine if the student body will be able to vote on keeping Odinet in office or not. We ask the student body to take a stance. Research the issue, read about what has and has not been accomplished and talk to those working with the Odinet administration and his opposition. Odinet told The Daily Reveille he feels confident that those who put him in office still want him there, and he will continue working to further his initiatives even in the face of criticism. Couhig said he thinks Odinet should have already made some changes with how things were handled in the past and said Odinet has done nothing beneficial for the students. Regardless of who you agree with, Couhig has given you a second chance to have a voice regarding the spring 2006 SG election that hosted only one registered ticket. Because all the elections in recent memory have offered two or more presidential candidates leading registered tickets, this board believes that apathy has gained a foothold among the student body. We call on students to shake off this apathy and take a stand. A mere 3,733 students voted in the election that Odinet’s ticket won only five months ago-fewer than the amount needed for a recall. We ask that if you are happy with the way Odinet’s administration has handled things thus far, campaign for him and express your satisfaction. If you aren’t, sign the petition. No matter what your decision is, get involved with your student life at the University. This is your government, and you deserve to have your opinions heard.
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Our View: Feelings on Odinet aside, take a stand
September 13, 2006