This is the final edition of The Daily Reveille for the fall 2006. It’s also the final staff editorial we will print this semester. We’ve tried our best to keep you informed of the issues we feel have been most important to students. In this space, you’ve read about the continued recovery effort in New Orleans, student ticket policies, campus safety, the University administration, Student Government, the midterm elections, diversity, student fees and of course the utter absurdity that is the Auburn Tigers/War Eagles/Plainsmen. Many of you have given feedback either in print or in person. We appreciate all of the comments and criticism you have provided. In all of our editorials, we have tried to stress one unified message-Get Involved. If an issue is important to you, then speak out. If you are tired of the way SG conducts itself, run for office. If you don’t like the words printed in The Daily Reveille, apply for a job here. Some people on this campus view the student body as apathetic when it comes to important issues. They feel the vast majority of students are content to simply watch events unfold around them during their college years without taking a stand. We don’t believe that. We believe students have a powerful voice when they choose to sound off on their discontent. And we encourage every student to find something dear to you-whatever that may be-and make your voice heard. Many important issues face this campus in the spring. There will be many changes to parking and transportation on campus. SG will hold a presidential election. There will be continued discussions on race and equality, admissions, the freshman residency requirement and ticket policies. We encourage everyone to join the debate over these important issues. Do not sit idly by and watch your college years pass as a spectator to the events that shape your world. Be safe, and we’ll see you all next year.
—–Send letters to the editor to [email protected]
Our View: Good night and good luck
December 7, 2006