Presidential candidates Cassie Alsfeld and Paul Dietzel received enough votes in the Student Government general election to meet in a runoff next Tuesday.
Active campaigning starts tomorrow.
The results will not be official for three days.
The University Court will meet to decide whether Dietzel should be retroactively disqualified.
Alsfeld and runningmate Josh King received 46 percent of the vote. Dietzel and runningmate Tanesha Craig received 24 percent of the vote. Presidential candidate Calder Lynch and runningmate Anna Dearmon received 21 percent of the vote. Presidential candidate Jacob Gower and runningmate Todd Elliot received 9 percent of the vote.
The LSU Union and Theater Referendum failed with 50.99 percent of the vote against the fee increase.
Amendment One, which excludes most salaries paid by student fees, was passed with 87 percent of the vote.
Alsfeld, Dietzel in runoff for SG president — 8:05 p.m.
March 21, 2007