The First Amendment guarantees American citizens freedom of speech and freedom of the press. These guarantees allow University students to express their views in appropriate forums, and The Daily Reveille has always sought to be one of these forums. Occasionally, perhaps even consistently, columnists in this section have expressed opinions with which a majority of students may not agree. The Daily Reveille does not apologize for this, as the discussions fostered by these opinions have greatly contributed to the intellectual discourse of this campus. Our columnists represent a wide range of backgrounds and ideologies. However, we readily acknowledge a desire to better articulate views not always regularly exhibited here. We also depend on dedicated reporters who are willing to gather information on a wide variety of topics so the campus community is better informed about issues that directly affect them. Without quality information, debate on campus could not take place in a constructive and educational manner. All sections – news, sports, entertainment, multimedia and opinion – require commitments from individuals willing to work toward that goal. Throughout the course of the year, the paper has received many letters from students, faculty and administrators expressing their respective views on the various columns that have been printed on this page. It is our sincere hope that the students who have felt the necessity to write a letter, or those who have felt strongly but refrained from writing letters, seize every opportunity to express their views. The Daily Reveille will accept applications for positions with the paper tonight at 7 p.m. in the Holliday Forum of the Journalism Building. We ask anyone who feels their views are not being reflected in the paper to join us. Diversity in reporters, columnists and their viewpoints will continue to be greatly valued by this newspaper.
—–Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Daily Reveille jobs promote free speech
April 26, 2007