Computers are a part of everyday living. Some people use them to make things easier, but others see computers only as very confusing obstacles.
English 2000 freshmen involved with the Informational Technology residential college volunteered to spread their knowledge of technology through the Baton Rouge community. They tutored residents of the Jefferson Manor assisted-living center.
Sandy Granger, English professor, started the service project, giving her students the option of participating instead of reading a novel. Granger said most of her students opted to take part in the project.
“There are a variety of things the students help the people with,” Granger said. “One lady likes to play bingo, so one student has found her a bingo game she can play online.”
The 14 students divided into four groups and must visit the home three times this semester. James Bouanchaud, biology freshman, and David LeBlanc, business freshman, fulfilled the residents’ personal requests Monday.
“It feels good helping others do what they want to do on the computer,” Bouanchaud said. “It’s good experience.”
LeBlanc said all the residents have different levels of computer knowledge. The students cover areas that help the residents become more technologically advanced. He said students have taught basic mouse usage and how to surf the Internet.
The students usually help four residents each visit. The home offers only two desktop computers, allowing the students to have a one-on-one session with each resident.
Kerry King, Jefferson Manor resident, said the students were helpful in his search for family information. King had some prior experience with computers but said he needed assistance to find particular Web sites with the information needed to obtain an identification card.
Students will continue visiting the home through April. When the project is finished, each student will be required to make a slideshow that serves as biographical insight for the residents of the home. Granger is hoping to coordinate a way to have the residents to view the slideshow.
—–Contact Phillip Trascher [email protected]
Students teach tech skills to assisted-living residents
February 27, 2007