A Student Government project beginning today offers students the chance to give administrators their opinions on cheer censorship. This week SG representatives will solicit student signatures and comments on a large card. The card will be available for signing in Free Speech Alley from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. during each day of class this week. SG Director of Communications Will Harris said the card will then be sent to Linda Moorhouse, co-director of the Tiger Marching Band. “We kind of had to decide between taking the administration’s stance on it or taking the students’ stand on it,” Harris said. “[Students] need to be able to say whatever the hell they want.”
This year’s cheer crackdown followed the Sept. 22 football game against the University of South Carolina. South Carolina’s mascot, the gamecocks, inspired many students to add vulgarity to the unofficial touchdown chant of “You suck.” For the remainder of the game, the band ceased playing the traditional touchdown song, which provides the chant’s rhythm. The student section came under fire again after the Oct. 6 match against the University of Florida. These incidents sparked reactions from many: administrators, band members, alumni and even students of opposing universities. Administrators invoked Southeastern Conference regulations, students cited free speech rights and Tiger Band songs were temporarily removed. Harris said it comes down to a case of unjust student censorship. “The students need to be able to cheer how they want to cheer, and we’re doing our best to make sure the administrators hear their voices,” he said.
—-Contact Daniel McBride at [email protected]
SG rallies support for cheers
November 18, 2007