A university organization is hosting several events to paint the town pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. About 3,870 new cases of breast cancer, the most common cancer found in women, are expected for Louisiana this year, according to the American Cancer Society. Zeta Tau Alpha will host Pinktoberfest on Tuesday benefiting Yoplait’s Save Lids to Save Lives program. The event, to be held at the sorority house, is open to the public from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. ZTA will have free yogurt for guests and even a yogurt-eating contest. Members will collect the pink lids to raise money for breast cancer research. They will also sponsor the Save Lids to Save Lives receptacles located in the Student Union and several other campus locations. “We’re very passionate about this particular philanthropy because everyone has been touched by breast cancer, whether it is their family or someone they know,” said Kirsten Peterson, ZTA president. ZTA will also volunteer at Komen On the Go, an awareness event hosted by LSU Wellness Education on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tower Drive. Participants may win prizes from the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation while gaining information that may save lives. Representatives from Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation will be present to give out free information and brochures about breast health. There will also be about 20 computer terminals to give more information. Kathy Saichuk, the wellness education coordinator, said Komen On the Go will provide a greater awareness of breast cancer and more knowledge to participants in a fun environment. This is the first year the program will come to the University. Saichuk said the Wellness Education Department felt this information was important to students. “By increasing the knowledge base, [we] save more lives and end breast cancer.” Throughout the rest of the month, ZTA will also sponsor information tables in Free Speech Alley. Zeta 300, another fund-raiser for breast cancer research, will be held Oct. 21 at Circle Bowl. The sorority encourages other student organizations to form bowling teams that pay a registration fee for the event, and ZTA also will collect sponsorship. All benefits from ZTA fund-raisers go to the sorority’s foundation and the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation.
—-Contact Ellen Fargason at [email protected]
Group spreads breast cancer awareness
October 1, 2007