A late night Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are scheduled to open in the new Laville dining facility this fall.
David Heidke, resident district manager at LSU Dining, said franchise negotiations aim to offer students late night meal options on campus. Taco Bell and Pizza Hut will run until 1 a.m. or later, depending on student needs.
The dining hall itself will close at 7 p.m.
This will be the second on-campus Pizza Hut. The other location is in the Union.
Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are part of a much larger Laville project. There has been a complete building overhaul involving abatement, demolition, interior rebuilding from shell state and new equipment, Heidke said.
University Dining funded the $6 million project.
Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are not the only new corporations students can expect to find in the fall. PJ’s Coffee in the French House, Subway in Foster Cafe’ and Einstein Bagels in the Union’s Live Oak Lounge are on the agenda as well. PJ’s is scheduled to open in August and Einstein Bagels in January 2008. LSU Dining is funding Einstein Bagels while local franchises fund the other two corporations.
Robert Speyrer, electrical engineering freshman, said he is not a fan of the corporate takeover.
“There are a lot of small businesses in Baton Rouge having a hard time competing with the big corporations,” he said.
Vinita Oberoi, international studies senior, questioned whether local initiatives would be willing to take the place of these corporate businesses. If not, she said she understands University decisions. She said she feels the increasing fast food corporates on campus is ironic.
“I think it is interesting we’re opening more fast food places after the University’s 2005 suggested summer reading,” she said.
That summer reading book was “Fast Food Nation.” The novel’s author, Eric Schlosser, visited the University as a guest speaker for students.
That same year development plans for Taco Bell and Pizza Hut were already underway. A master study was conducted three years ago by the H. David Porter Group. It recommended University dining have late night food options for students living on campus, Heidke said.
The main part of the dining hall’s construction began fall 2006. Heidke said the project’s delays are for several reasons.
“Our timeline has been impacted on many fronts because of underground utility issues and equipment manufacturing and delivery timelines,” he said.
The Laville facility, when opened, will include a state-of-the-art dining center.
“There will be a wood stone oven, and students will have the opportunity to cook their own food if they want,” he said. “There will also be food preparation by chefs in front of students.”
Heidke said the exact fall opening date and name for the facility have not been determined.
“We’re close to finalizing the name for the building,” he said. “This building will be nothing like the old facility.”
—Contact Natalie Messina at [email protected]
Late night dining options coming for fall
July 6, 2007

The Laville Food Emporium sign stands outside the now gutted building while it undergoes construction. The building will house a Taco Bell and Pizza Hut when it opens this fall.