The University is offering its first-ever course tailored to gay and lesbian issues this semester.
The course, which the Department of Women and Gender Studies is offering, will be divided into three parts. The first part deals with the origin of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender studies and the word “queer.” The second focuses on the incorporation of queer and gender studies into academia. The final part discusses the intersection of queer theory and other areas of study like Southern studies and health studies.
The class will also discuss how people perform in society based on their sexuality and gender.
The course is listed as WGS 4500, and it is offered from 3 to 6 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Kristen Hogan, a new English assistant professor, will teach the course. She began working at the University this summer after responding to a job ad that specifically requested someone who could teach on the topic of queer theory.
Many major universities have LGBT studies centers, such as the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the City University of New York and the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
It is also common for universities to offer lesbian and gay studies classes, which often fall into the subject of women and gender studies.
Hogan said the subject is growing more popular as a topic of study.
“The class is full so I think that’s a sign that people are interested,” Hogan said. “Having a queer theory course on the schedule helps visibility of these issues, and it should help LGBT students feel more at home at LSU.”
Daniel Guillot, president of Gays, Bisexuals, Lesbians, and Supporters United, said he sees this course as a positive step toward visibility and open dialogue.
“The administration is quick to take up such issues and handle them well, but as far as the student body goes, you have people who either don’t care or are against it,” Guillot said.
“It’s definitely a step in the right direction for the University as a whole, and their willingness to have a dialogue will lead to better things.”
—-Contact Joanna Brown at [email protected]
University to offer ‘queer theory’ course
By Joanna Brown
August 26, 2007