LSU coach John Brady said after Tuesday’s basketball practice that junior guard Tack Minor will not play until further notice. Minor did not travel this weekend to Athens, Ga., with the LSU men’s basketball team to play the University of Georgia and did not play against Vanderbilt University in the Tigers’ last home game. His absence has fueled speculation about academic investigations similar to his 2005 suspension for a Code of Student Conduct academic violation. “I’m not going to play him until these things are resolved,” Brady said. “And that’s out of my hands really. And he knows that.” When asked what “things” Minor needs to resolve, Brady replied, “None of your business.” Brady said Minor is still on the team and there are “no restrictions” involving Minor’s participation. “It’s nobody’s business,” Brady said. “Just because he plays basketball at LSU doesn’t make him open game for everybody to find out everything about him. I’d afford him the same respect other students are afforded in the same situation.” Brady said he does not know “exactly whose hands it’s in” when asked if the Dean of Students office is involved in Minor’s situation. “Tack is on the team,” Brady said. “You guys are just trying to find something. There’s no restrictions on Tack with this basketball team. I’m just trying to work with him the best I can.” Dean of Students K.C. White said “any matters reported to the Office of Judicial Affairs” must follow the Code of Student Conduct. White said she is “keeping with the Code” in her inability to comment “on any potential, current or past judicial matters” involving Minor or other students. “Quite honestly, Tack would need to answer that question,” White said. Minor participated in Tuesday’s practice but did not accept interview requests. Senior Associate Sports Information Director Kent Lowe said Minor did not wish to be interviewed.
—–Contact Amy Brittain at [email protected]