About four years ago, the student body approved increasing the fee set aside for the University Recreation Center from $30 a year to $45. The increased fee was intended to renovate the building and provide new facilities for students and members. Additions included 6,900 more square feet, a Smoothie King, two multipurpose aerobic rooms and other amenities. The remodeling effort features a larger cardio room, which is connected to an expanded weight room, two popular areas in the Recreation Center. The remodeling of the building was completed in the fall, and URec statistics show students are using the facilities more. Melissa Longino, URec assistant director of marketing and public relations, said use of the facility has increased by 60 percent since December 2005. Because of changes to the structure of the building, participation statistics don’t include students only using outdoor facilities such as the tennis courts or the softball field. URec also saw participation at the center increase by 40 percent from August 2005, when renovations began, to fall 2006, when the renovations were completed. The increased use of the newly renovated workout area shows that students are pleased with the outcome. URec provides a vital element of campus life, striving to educate students about important issues and providing a means to obtain healthy living. By adding more convenient facilities and programs to accommodate students, URec administrators proved they have worked hard for students. “We are glad about the increase, but I am more proud of the fact that we were able to provide the students with what they have been requesting for the past three and a half years since the fee increase,” Longino said. “We did a lot to renovate, but we still have a lot to do.” Outlooks such as Longino’s regarding student services are encouraging. The URec successfully assessed the needs and wants of the student body and worked to fulfill their requests. Other similar projects on campus that are funded by student fees should strive to produce the same results. As outlets such as the Union, the Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation and the Health Center continue to request increases in student fees, the wants and needs of the students should be the first priority as they plan renovations and policies. The actions and accomplishments of URec employees and administrators are to be commended.
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URec renovation is money well-spent
January 18, 2007