To see a slideshow of the Storyville Fashion Show, click here.
T-shirts are no longer the run-of-the-mill casual wear most expect. Storyville has revamped the cotton top, producing popular T-shirts with local themes since the store opened in January 2007 on Chimes Street. The store put their second fashion show Saturday at the Manship Theatre allowing local artists, designers and students to strut their stuff.Proceeds from the show went to the Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless. The organization provides housing and support services for homeless people in the greater Baton Rouge area. The fashion show featured 16 local apparel companies including: Giraphic Apparel designed by Danny Ryan and Josh Ford, Handpicked by Kelli Binnings, Mojo Ware, 8-Track by Michael Messina, Sekks Apparel by Jason Martin and Justin McCain, Feelgoodz by Kyle Berner, Suppermaggie by Maggie Kleinpeter and Michael Pittard, Au-Si by Jeffrey Beck, 272 Graphics by Peyton Dufrene and Rhitt Growl, Slaughterhead by Joey Slaughter and Jessica Head, Inexplicable Confetti by Phillip Whitmore, Marc Fresh by Marc Verret, NOLA Tiles by Chris and Nicolle Psilos, Southern Flair by Allison Jackson, Nambatrom by Tim Morgan and Ian McAdams, and Storyville Originals.Dresses and sweatshirts were also prominent pieces in the show. Designs on the clothing ranged from fleur-de-lis to cartoons to witticisms. All the shirts came in a wide variety of colors and styles. Hair and make-up was provided by Eutopia Salon.But show didn’t focus solely on fashion — the organizers arranged a collection of special performances. The night began with a high-energy hip-hop dance from the LSU Tiger Girls. Jonathan Pretus of the band Cowboy Mouth was accompanied by Stephen Turner for an acoustic guitar performance. Seth Harvey, one of the owners, later sang a Baton Rouge version of the classic song “Downtown.” The world premiere of the short film “The Shop” was also featured at the show along with a performance from the University’s Legacy Hip-Hop Dancers. Throughout the show, the audience was given informational briefs on the history of the T-shirt and how to be a fashionable traveler.Josh Harvey, another owner of the shop, said the night was an overall success.”We were kind of nervous,” Josh Harvey said. “But it all turned out awesome, and our guest performers were incredible.”Storyville has two locations, one in Baton Rouge and one in Austin, Texas. A third location will open March 27 on Magazine Street in New Orleans.- – – -Contact Lindsay Nunez at [email protected]
Storyville holds local fashion show
March 22, 2009