The University administration is considering retooling academic college structures to foster collaboration and improve efficiency, University Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Astrid Merget said in a broadcast e-mail sent Friday afternoon. “There will [be] some changes in the configurations and names of our colleges and schools and in the reporting lines of several academic units on campus,” Merget said. Merget said these possible changes have been in the works for a while and are not a reaction to possible budget cuts. “I want to assure our students that these changes will not affect their degree programs or their progress toward graduation,” Merget said. “Instead, the changes will help to strengthen academics at LSU and will harmonize our organization with the national Flagship Agenda to attain academic excellence in a time of performance accountability and fiscal constraint.”Merget wasn’t specific about what colleges may be changed but said a proposal has gone before the University Planning Council.
Contact Kyle Bove [email protected]
Academic college structures may change
March 29, 2009