Senior Ainsley Beeman won the Miss LSU-USA pageant Sunday at the PMAC, beating out 30 other contestants and receiving an award which took her two years to achieve.Amid very tedious dance practices, hair styling and interviewing, Miss LSU-USA 2009 accepted her title graciously in front nearly 1,000 members of the LSU community, including her family and friends in the PMAC.”It’s incredible,” said Beeman, kinesiology senior. “It’s an experience I couldn’t pass up, and now I can represent the entire student body.” Beeman participated in the 2008 Miss LSU-USA pageant, but the crown went to Lauren Edwards. This year, Beeman returned with the attitude to be herself the entire way through. Beeman also took home the People’s Choice award and Miss Congeniality, which her fellow contestants voted on.First runner-up was Merrill Bankston, the two second runner-ups were Erika McManus and Kaitlynn Fish, and the third runner-up was Kelsey Davis.”This pageant takes a lot of mental preparation,” said Bankston, mass communication junior. “It’s a lot about who you are and being able to express that.”Other winners included Lauren Bessette for Best Interview, Ali Armstrong for the Swimsuit award, Chelsea Degueyter for Evening Gown and Erika McManus for Most Photogenic. “I’m so impressed by how smart they are,” said judge Greg Meriwether, WAFB news anchor. “Their interviews this morning killed the stereotype that pageant girls aren’t as intelligent as other girls because each one was very intelligent.”Delta Zeta sorority hosted the event for its 10th year in a row, but this was its first year in the PMAC. The pageant took place in the Union Theater in previous years. “Miss LSU plays a big role in the University, especially next year because it is the150th anniversary of LSU,” said Cynthia Noguera, executive director of the pageant and biology junior. “Anyone can do this pageant. We have girls of many backgrounds, which makes the Miss LSU pageant one of the most unique and competitive pageants.” The Miss LSU-USA winner, in addition to becoming an ambassador to the University, will compete in the Miss Louisiana pageant. Noguera said the Miss LSU-USA pageant costs around $20,000 to put on each year. Pageant Adviser Doraine Wilson said Delta Zeta usually sells around 1,000 tickets plus concessions and $10 programs. The pageant doubles as Delta Zeta’s main philanthropy event. All of the proceeds are divided among their charities. Noguera said they’re donating $40,000 among the Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge, the Capital Area Alzheimer’s Association, the Baton Rouge Speech and Hearing Foundation and the Delta Zeta Foundation, which includes the Starkey Hearing Foundation.—-Contact Mary Walker Baus at [email protected]
Senior Ainsley Beeman claims Miss LSU-USA 2009 title
March 16, 2009