Students looking to share their thoughts, suggestions and questions about the University can look to Monday on Mondays, a weekly forum held at the 459 Commons discussing University issues with students.Monday’s topics focused on parking and bus transportation, and forums in the past have centered on campus dining, student fees and green campus and sustainability. But just one student participated in Monday’s forum. Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Life Eric Monday said the forum began as a way to engage more students and gives him the opportunity to hear student opinion on different aspects of the University.”This allows us to go to the students instead of the students having to come to us,” Monday said. “It’s just good to have that direct feedback from the students and to hear what they’re concerned about.” Thoughts and concerns brought up at past Monday on Mondays led to the green competition among residential halls as well as bringing healthier options to campus dining facilities. Don Koshis, LSU Dining Director of Operations, said they are looking for healthier options for late-night dining, and students will be able to use meal transfers to get a sandwich, a piece of fruit and a beverage. “We’re going to run some of the new things throughout the semester,” Koshis said.Gary Graham, Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation director and guest at this week’s forum, said several things done during the school year have been because of student initiative.”We look at what the students say and say, ‘That’s not a bad idea, let’s try it,'” Graham said.The forum is open to everyone. The next forum, about residential life, will be held at one of the residence halls on March 30. “Sometimes we get a lot of students, sometimes we only get a few,” Monday said.But some students said they were unsure what Monday on Mondays actually is. Molly Csaki, political science freshman, said she only knew of Monday on Mondays from the screensaver on the library’s computers but thought the forum’s concept is a good idea.”Most people don’t know where to go if they have concerns of questions, so it’s good that they have a specific time and place to go and talk about these things,” Csaki said.—-Contact Brianna Paciorka at [email protected]
Monday on Mondays talks transportation
March 24, 2009