Boys, imagine your worst day ever. You wake up early for a useless class with a hangover from the night before, and it only worsens when you realize you have an English paper and a calculus test.But this day, believe it or not, is sunshine and roses compared to a girl’s worst day.Women have a tough time now that they have so many rights and opportunities to make personal choices.It used to be simpler — girls were bred in captivity and sold to their husbands and lived life contentedly in bonds. Contentiously, people may point to literature and media that show girls unfortunately in the past, but in reality, they were not. Girls were probably happier than they are now because they didn’t have to think for themselves. Instead, they were catered to like fragile princesses.But now, they’re free and independent. Women are obligated to fend for themselves. They are expected to do as the boys do. Women are not monkeys; they should not imitate the standards of boys.Most women probably feel more pressure now than they did 50 years ago.It’s quite ironic that as technology was invented to facilitate the way of life, women fought to make their lives harder.Instead of sitting at home, cooking food, washing clothes and taking care of children, they opted to become doctors, lawyers and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.Success for a woman is now most likely oriented with her annual salary and the materialistic items she owns. Women need to revert back to their subservient, nurturing selves.Women should choose to be housewives rather than pursue careers.Societal norms have turned in the opposite direction. Women, who choose to be classic homemakers, are castigated as parasites of society who absorb their husbands’ salary. Domestic engineers should not be thought of as bums who happened to be pretty enough to land a rich fellow. They should be revered for their acumen on life. Someone should be required to stay at home, manage the familial expenses and take care of the offspring. Without women at home, families are not as stable.Staunch feminists may argue a home and life can still come after obtaining a career. But honestly, it can’t. Women are aging more quickly now than ever.Having to balance school, work and social life is hazardous for a woman’s beauty. One needs only to look at the amount of rejuvenation products in stores to know premature aging is prevalent in the population. Companies like Olay work many hours to formulate compounds that repair a women’s face and restore her wasted, book-filled youth. Women as young as 25 are pulling out strands of gray hair from their golden locks to look their true age.Women can’t expect to attract shallow men with wrinkling skin and gray hair.Women must realize what they should do best is what they can do best: Make babies. Women shouldn’t overstress their bodies proving to the world they are as tough as boys but simply stay home and help continue the population.Society would benefit from women staying at home and primping as much as women should.Without women, men will also learn to relax as they no longer have to prove their masculinity. Men, undistracted by women, can compete among themselves to climb the ladder of success. A woman shouldn’t be climbing with heels anyway; it will only make the worst day worse if she falls.Dini Parayitam is an 18-year-old biochemistry freshman.—-Contact Dini Parayitam at [email protected]
Perfect Dystopia: Women would benefit from returning to their place at home
March 23, 2009