LSU football coach Les Miles said the wind wreaked havoc on his team’s passing and kicking games in its first scrimmage in Tiger Stadium on Saturday.”It was one windy day,” he said. “I don’t know that we were very efficient passing. We made a couple big plays and did a couple good things, but I think the day was the defense’s.”Miles said his four quarterbacks continued to evenly split snaps, but sophomore Jordan Jefferson appears to be in the lead for the starting position.
“Jordan Jefferson certainly is in the lead and looks to be making his case for being the starter,” Miles said. “We rotated them all through. [Sophomore Jarrett] Lee certainly had a productive day, and I like [freshman] Russell Shepard. Any time he has the ball in his hand, he has the chance to make a big play.”Shepard didn’t take any snaps at wide receiver or running back, Miles said.RUNNING GAME
Miles said the quarterbacks provided a majority of the scrimmage’s running game success.”I don’t know that there was a significant carry other than the quarterbacks,” Miles said. “The quarterbacks probably gained the most yards rushing the football on scrambles.”Senior running backs Charles Scott and Keiland Williams took snaps at fullback with sophomore Stevan Ridley and junior Richard Dugas still out following knee injuries.”A guy named [sophomore running back James] Stampley who’s a walk-on is doing a really good job in the physical aspect of the fullback position,” Miles said. “We’re getting some veteran tailbacks in there and roughing them up a little bit.”Miles said he expects Ridley to be back before the start of the season.GETTING DEFENSIVEWhile the wind left its mark on the scrimmage, Miles was quick to credit his defense as the biggest reason for any offensive struggles.”The defense was very difficult to move against,” he said. “I think they were aided a little bit by a windy day and the idea that we’re playing four quarterbacks, but give them great credit. Some guys had some great, spectacular days on the defensive side.”Miles said the defense has quickly gotten comfortable with new defensive coordinator John Chavis.
“If they haven’t, they’re not playing like they haven’t,” Miles said. “They play like they have … I think our guys want to play great … It’s matched very nicely with some new enthusiasm.”Chavis brings with him from Tennessee a history of playing safeties at outside linebacker.But the biggest position switch in the scrimmage may have been a moving a player to safety.
“Ron Brooks, really playing more snaps at safety than he has, made a number of tackles and a couple interceptions,” Miles said. “We wanted to look at him at safety. He has great speed, and we felt like he might be able to roam the middle of the field.”–
Contact Jerit Roser at [email protected]
Football: Wind slows passing game in weekend scrimmage
March 28, 2009