Chancellor Michael Martin had a hand in compiling a recently released National Research Council Report about “Transforming Agricultural Education for a Changing World.”According to the report, higher education agricultural programs need to prepare students for new challenges in the field, like concerns about energy, national security, climate change and nutrition. “There are many challenges facing the agricultural industry, and it’s up to colleges and universities to foster the next generation of professionals who can lead innovation and solve real problems,” Martin said. “This report is the work of a dedicated group of individuals who hope to implement awareness of the importance of agriculture and improve its education nationwide.”Martin was part of a committee that helped compile the report, which lists aspects of agricultural undergraduate programs that need to be changed or modified and encourages the recruitment and retention of top agriculture students. ——Contact Kyle Bove at [email protected]
Report: Agricultural programs need to change with the times – 12:35 p.m.
March 13, 2009