Five tickets have campaigned for the past few weeks to see who will be the new leaders of Student Government.The tickets have all laid out their various ideas and suggestions for reaching the common goal of making the University better.But no matter which ticket wins, the progress the current administration has made in the past year must continue.SG President Colorado Robertson and Vice President Shannon Bates have done a commendable job of putting the students first in their year in office.Credit card machines in the Student Union’s Tiger Lair, extended library hours and the implementation of the Class Gift Project are a few of the examples of the change that has occurred.Robertson’s administration has also increased transparency during his time in office. SG posts all of its expenditure reports on its Web site for the public to view whenever they choose.With budget cuts looming, it may prove more difficult than in years past to accomplish certain goals, and limited resources could hamper some of things these tickets want to accomplish.A year isn’t a lot of time to make significant long-term changes. But Robertson showed if SG officials take the right approach, a foundation can be laid.Let’s hope that foundation is built upon in the coming year.——Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Recent Student Government progress must continue
March 22, 2009