Student Government elections are all about empty promises and bogus campaign tactics.Most of the empty promises I can live with. I didn’t actually expect SG President Colorado Robertson to follow through on his promise of a live, public feeding of Mike the Tiger.But this election season saw a little bit of everything.From a vice presidential candidate missing a live debate on TigerTV because of a sorority chapter meeting — that would be you, Laura Boggs — to the owner of a used car dealership with shady ties to a frat he left without the slightest bit of honor — hello, Ari Krupkin — I saw the best of the worst personalities on campus.Friday saw the ugliest side of campaigning and the benefits of shunning an entire ticket for an endorsement with the potential for a staff position.Both the Unity ’09 and One Voice ’09 tickets — headed by Krupkin and Melanie Oubre and Greg Upton and Boggs, respectively — endorsed Andy Palermo and Phoebe Hathorn’s The Next Level ‘09 ticket for today’s run-off election.In doing so, the four contradicted themselves in citing reasons as to why Stuart Watkins and Martina Scheuermann’s More ‘09 campaign didn’t merit endorsement.”We have argued that this campaign is not about who has the most experience, but who is the most capable to bring about the change that SG needs,” Krupkin said, right before his running mate, Oubre, said she believed Palermo’s ticket has the most experience.This happened right after Upton cited both Watkins’ and Scheuermann’s lack of experience in SG — despite his support for the novice Vice President Shannon Bates in their 2008 Foundation campaign.This was after Boggs cited Palermo as the most experienced candidate.Upton and Boggs have every reason to be bitter. After all, the pair almost contributed as much to their campaigns — $1,889.26 each — as the More campaign spent, $3,933.80, according to SG expense reports.In supporting The Next Level, the former heads of Unity and One Voice decided to pretend their own candidates aren’t still in run-off elections today.I would now like to pay homage to these candidates in today’s runoff, betrayed by the tops of their tickets.From the Unity campaign:Brandon Burke, Business vice president; Annie Jacobson, Education Senate; Adam Lagneaux, UCAC Senate; and Michael Jones, UCFY Senate.From the One Voice campaign:Ashley Johnson, Agriculture Senate; Brittany Bourg, Agriculture Treasurer; Sarah Bertrand, Agriculture President; Chaylon Brignac, Arts and Sciences Senate; Steven Belflower, Arts and Design Treasurer; Matt Babineaux and Beau Bebeau, Business Senate; Kelly Springet, Business Secretary; Katie Peaslee, Education Secretary; Beth Higginbotham, Education Vice President; Will Delaney and Steven Menard, Engineering Senate; Gabriella Arroyo, Engineering Executive Secretary; Blaine Fuselier, Engineering Vice President; Robert Ingram, Engineering President; Kyle Mancuso, UCAC Vice President; Brooke Story and Cody Wells, UCFY Senate; and Hannah Chambers, University Court.A total of 5,467 votes were cast for the One Voice run-off candidates, while the four Unity run-off candidates received a total of 906 votes.The Unity and One Voice campaigns officially sacrificed a total of 6,373, presumably in the name of their collective future.By throwing these candidates off their already derailed buses, Unity and One Voice have proven to be anything but united or speaking in unison. They traded their tickets for whatever political gain Palermo and Hathorn can give — that is, if Palermo and Hathorn win today.Congratulations, SG. You wreaked havoc on Free Speech Alley for the past two months in the name of your individual resumes.No wonder more than 2/3 of this campus didn’t vote at all last week.Eric Freeman Jr. is a 22-year-old political science junior from New Orleans.—-Contact Eric Freeman Jr. at [email protected]
Freeman of Speech: Unity ’09, One Voice ’09 betray tickets for political gain
March 30, 2009