Chancellor Michael Martin told The Daily Reveille on Tuesday that the University has drafted more than nine different scenarios to deal with the $45 million budget cut this campus is staring down.Last week, the Board of Regents passed a performance-based funding formula that should have some benefits for the University. But just to clarify, here we’re referring back to budget cuts — not funding. The LSU System has shown no signs of backing off its proposal that orders virtual across-the-board cuts, meaning the University takes the largest financial hit among all institutions the LSU System. Nothing has changed, and we still think cutting across the board is outrageously unfair, especially to a flagship institution like this campus.So what’s the next step?More pressure on the LSU System.We thought some of you might be interested in letting System President John Lombardi know how you feel about the proposed budget-cut methodology. If you despise it as much as we do, feel free to let Lombardi know.Lombardi’s office is in the System Building on 3810 West Lakeshore Drive. He can be reached at (225) 578-2111, and his e-mail address is [email protected], according to the LSU directory.The more voices, the better. –Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Tell President Lombardi what you think about budget cuts
March 31, 2009