Students involved in the “S.O.S. — Save Our Schools” campaign will give a “Student Response” to Gov. Bobby Jindal’s proposed higher education budget on Monday, March 16 at 1:30 p.m. in Free Speech Plaza, according to a news release. The campaign, run by University students, faculty and members from other Louisiana colleges, has used a blog to provide up-to-date information about the detrimental cuts state higher education may have to suffer next fiscal year. The blog started in February. Gov. Bobby Jindal revealed his $26.7 billion proposed state budget Friday, with health-care and higher education picking up slack from slumping state revenue. The proposal, for the 2009-10 fiscal year, is nearly 10 percent lower than the state’s current budget. Health-care would take a $413 million reduction, and higher education would take a cut of $219 million. The $219 million — or 8 percent — cut to higher education translates into a $34.8 million cut for the University, on top of a $10.3 million mid-year reduction ordered in January, according to LSU System documents released Tuesday. ”LSU has come so far and the budget cuts will set us back,” said Kate Cazayoux, spokeswoman for S.O.S. The cuts will lead to layoffs and decreased course offerings, Cazayoux said in the release. —-Contact Kyle Bove at [email protected]
S.O.S. campaign to respond to Jindal’s budget on Monday – 3:22 p.m.
March 13, 2009