SG elections are less than a week away, and, as usual, this election features an independent ticket with an unconventional platform. The “Make it Reign” ticket, headed by mass communication students Jeffrey Noel and Ryan Ginn, is taking a more humorous approach to Student Government elections this season. We do not endorse any particular ticket, but we would like to acknowledge the efforts of this campaign. “Make it Reign,” constructing its name to poke fun at SG, is running with no established ticket and a minimal amount of campaigning. In fact, the only spot you will find the two candidates before the election is at a small table in Free Speech Alley. And while other tickets associate their campaigns with strategies backed by $5,000 spending limits, the “Make it Reign” ticket has barely made a dent in their spending, using only $30. The ticket’s mission statement breaks down its reasons for not campaigning. “We don’t have a ticket and don’t want to owe anyone any favors because they helped us get elected,” the mission statement says. “We are not going to push our own agenda or our own issues.”Not pushing themselves on students is a bold move considering other tickets’ campaign strategies. Taking the low-key approach to getting elected takes a lot of determination and courage. We applaud Noel and Ginn for taking the initiative and getting involved.Considering this election has four other established tickets, the chances of the “Make it Reign” ticket seeing a victory are slim, evidenced by last year’s independent ticket’s loss.But it’s good to see involvement in student issues, especially from both sides of the student body spectrum.–Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Independent ticket shows courage by not campaigning
March 17, 2009