The Staff Senate is bracing itself for staff members to take a hit from the upcoming budget cuts.Budget concerns were the primary topic Wednesday at the Staff Senate’ meeting. Staff Senate President Patricia Beste told senators now is the time to prepare for the worst.”I want everyone to be optimistic, but the realistic part is that we must prepare ourselves to face difficult times,” Beste said.While she acknowledged no budget decisions will be final until after the legislature’s session ends, Beste said she heard from LSU System President John Lombardi that the campus will move forward as if the cuts are in place. This makes the possibility of layoffs and furloughs more realistic, she said.Beste said this circumstance is distressing to the senate because the brunt of lost jobs would fall on staff.If layoffs were to happen, employees would be out of work on July 1, 2009.”The pie to cut is getting smaller, and it looks like it will be staff [to be cut],” Beste said.To lessen the financial blow, the Staff Senate is exploring options to save staff jobs.One idea is to use money originally given to the staff by Chancellor Michael Martin for a scholarship program to pay staff salaries.”We could take this money and use it toward salaries,” Beste said. “We could use it to save staff positions if they are in line to be laid off.”Beste said she isn’t sure if that is a realistic option because the source of the funds has legal implications.”This money came from football money from the SEC,” Beste said. “The University chancellors voted that it should be used for education. We don’t know if the money can be used for salary.”If this idea comes to fruition, Beste said the Staff Senate would want to enter an agreement with the chancellor that the money for the scholarship fund be restored upon improvement of the University’s financial circumstances.Member-At-Large Mary Feduccia suggested the implementation of a program to assist laid-off workers in getting another job.”If we put this in place, as soon as staff are notified [about layoffs], they could also be told, ‘But we have this program to help you,'” Feduccia said.The senate discussed the “Clovers and Quarters” fundraiser taking place this week. The program raises money for the Staff Senate Education Fund, which gives a $500 annualscholarship to a staff member pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at the University.The fundraiser’s goal this year is $1,000, double the goal of previous years, said Robin Kistler, chair of the Staff Senate Scholarship Committee.The committee is also looking at changing the execution of the award. Rather than giving one person $250 per semester, the money could be spread among several staff members.”We could use the scholarship to cover the fees for a three-hour class and support more than one person,” Kistler said.In addition to Clovers and Quarters, money for the scholarship is raised by payroll deductions from University faculty and staff.Beste closed the meeting by reminding senators to be enthusiastic but to remain realistic. She echoed the chancellor’s words to her.—-Contact Ryan Buxton at [email protected]
Upcoming budget cuts threaten staff jobs
March 19, 2009