University officials have decided to restructure and rename almost every academic college on campus to better sustain the Flagship Agenda, according to Chancellor Michael Martin.Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Astrid Merget said the changes, which would go into effect July 1, wouldn’t affect students, and would instead influence faculty positions, titles and jobs.But some faculty members have complained they were left out of the planning process, and we feel faculty members should have more input in the decision to restructure.University officials say plans to restructure began several months ago. If that’s the case, why weren’t more faculty members’ opinions heard?Merget said if you get 1,500 faculty in a room, “we’d get 1,500 different answers.”We understand it’s unrealistic to speak with 1,500 faculty members. But it’s not unrealistic to at least provide all of them with some chance to speak out.The University sends out surveys to students all the time. With a such a big change to our academic structure being proposed, faculty should have access to a similar survey.Not all faculty members may respond, but at least the opportunity would exist.—-Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Officials should seek more input in restructuring process
April 14, 2009