UNIVERSITY STUDENT ARRESTED FOR DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATEDLSU Police Department officers arrested a University student April 14 at about 2:30 a.m. for driving while intoxicated and improper lane usage.Officers saw Kirsten Scallan, 20, of 11651 Cline Drive, Baker, speeding and driving on the center line on Nicholson Drive, according to LSUPD spokesman Capt. Russell Rogé. Officers stopped Scallan after seeing her swerve off the road, he said. At that time, officers arrested Scallan and transported her to LSUPD, Rogé said. She declined to use the Breathalyzer at that time, which is her right, he said. The officers booked Scallan in East Baton Rouge Parish Prison for a first-offense DWI and improper lane usage. The parish courts set her bond, Rogé said. After an arrest, LSUPD sends a copy of the incident involving a student to the Dean of Students, who then decides whether to enforce any academic disciplinary actions, Rogé said.
Campus Crime Briefs
April 21, 2009