The Faculty Senate held its monthly meeting Monday, welcoming Athletic Director Joe Alleva as the guest speaker.
Alleva spoke about the positive in the athletic program, mentioning the high likelihood for all University sports teams to see postseason play.
A large part of Alleva’s talk was devoted to finance. He said the athletic department is doing its part to help out with the University’s budget situation.
“In the past year, over $9 million has been given back to the University by the athletic department,” Alleva said.
Alleva also faced questions about high coach salaries. He admitted that he finds salaries too high, but said he is dedicated to winning and market-competitive salaries must be paid to ensure quality coaching.
The senate also held election of officers. Kevin Cope was unopposed for a new term as president, Pratul Ajmera became the new vice president, and Renee Casberque was elected as secretary.
New proposals discussed included a new policy on class withdrawals (“W’s”) and limitations on faculty choices for classroom clickers.——Contact Ryan Buxton at [email protected]
Joe Alleva speaks at Faculty Senate meeting – 6:25 p.m.
By Ryan Buxton
April 13, 2009