The University’s undergraduate literary journal, delta, will host its second “Art Party” at 7 p.m. tonight in Foster’s Gallery in Foster Hall. The party will feature readings from undergraduate writers, artwork from student artists and music from local songwriters, according to a news release. Suggested donations are $3-5 at the door.Matthew Herron, editor-in-chief of the delta journal, said the party is intended to raise awareness of delta’s long history and to raise funds for the publication.”The art party is part of a delta revival campaign I’m working on,” he said. “We just started this year overhauling the journal — we got a new office, we have computers to work from.”The delta held a similar event in the fall semester at the Old President’s House, and about 100 people attended. Assistant Poetry Editor Abbas Abidi said the party was a great success.”If you told me before that party that close to 100 people would show up, and support what we are trying to do, I wouldn’t have believed you,” he said. “It really inspired us to do our best with the journal, knowing that we could get that type of support from the community despite our small size.”The journal publishes once a year in the spring and draws from various art media. Herron said he hopes to bring artists together at the party.”I want a sort of event that brings in those types of creative crowds,” he said. “delta journal is taking any kind of material: philosophy, sheet music, literature. We want people to see what the journal is all about.”The journal is run by a 10-person editorial staff and has a faculty adviser, Herron said. There is also a board of about 10 students that decides which art makes it into the yearly journal.”Everything’s totally volunteer, unpaid positions,” he said. “It’s all for the experience and networking.” The journal receives a $500 yearly budget from the English department. Herron said the journal does not receive enough funds to publish and operate, so the staff is always fundraising.”We only printed 250 copies last year, which is a very low number considering journals at other universities have larger funded programs,” he said. “Some universities print anywhere from 1,000 to 1,500 copies every year.”Although the journal is supported by student artwork, Herron said he is looking forward to getting support from the faculty.”We’re hoping that faculty pay attention too because their support is what really, really matters,” he said. “Students change all the time – the graduate, they change their major, they change their mind. Faculty are consistent; they don’t quit the next year.”The delta journal was founded in the winter of 1947 by Charles East. The delta staff seeks submissions in a variety of genres, and all submissions are considered for Matt Clark Awards in poetry and fiction.——Contact Ben Bourgeois at [email protected]
Delta literary journal to hold “Art Party” tonight
April 1, 2009