LSU softball coach Yvette Girouard said Wednesday night’s opening game in Tiger Park was a moment the whole team will treasure.”It was the script that nobody could have ever written,” she said. “The place was packed, the weather was gorgeous, we got the stadium done on time, and it was everything we could have ever envisioned. The whole atmosphere was incredible.”But Girouard said it was good the team got all the jitters out of their system before this weekend’s Easton Tiger Classic, as the Tigers had only four hits in the 6-0 victory against McNeese State.”I’m not sure that we played particularly well,” Girouard said. “We’re going to have to step up our game considerably because all three teams that are coming in here are much better teams than McNeese. So we need to wake up real quick.”LSU sophomore third baseman Jessica Mouse said despite the lack of offense, she was happy with the team’s play Wednesday night.”This weekend, we’re going to come out stronger than we did [Wednesday] night,” she said. “A lot of people were a little nervous and excited at the same time. But last night was definitely a good start.”LSU junior outfielder Rachel Mitchell said the team needs to improve its discipline at the plate, hitting the ball with runners in scoring position and being more relaxed.She also said she thinks the team is ready to move on from the first-game excitement.”Everybody feels a lot better and more relaxed now that we have finally played on it in a game,” Mitchell said. No. 21 LSU (4-2) will open play in the tournament at 6:00 p.m. tonight against Ohio State (4-1).The Buckeyes finished the fall season undefeated (7-0), and Girouard expects them to be tough competition.”They’re a Big Ten team that has gotten progressively better,” Girouard said. “They will bring some big girls who can hit the ball.”No. 5 Texas A&M (4-1) and Sam Houston State (4-1) will also be in the weekend tournament. The Bearcats lost to the Aggies, 2-1, in 14 innings Wednesday night.Mouse said the team is looking forward to facing some quality opponents.”We’re pumped. We have some good competition coming in,” she said. “We’re excited to draw another big crowd in and compete with some good teams.”Mitchell agreed with Mouse.”We have a lot of good competition, so we really need this to make sure that we see better pitching and work even more on getting more time before [Southeastern Conference] play starts,” she said.Girouard said the pitching rotation will be “pitching by committee” for a while. She also said the lineup may change from day-to-day during the weekend.”There’s going to be some adjustments for a while,” she said. “We’ve got a young team that is talented and so we will be trying to find answers.”——Contact Andy Schwehm at [email protected]
Softball: Tigers host first tournament in new Tiger Park
February 12, 2009