It’s finally happened.Sports have fallen victim to the politically correct masses.Roughly three weeks ago, the Covenant School — a Dallas area high school — defeated the Dallas Academy in a women’s basketball game 100-0.The Dallas Academy is a small school that caters to students with “learning differences” including attention deficit disorder and dyslexia.The school only has 20 girls total, with eight of them on the basketball team.It’s sad the academy got beat so bad, but that’s not what concerns me.Micah Grimes, the coach of the Covenant School’s team, was fired as a result of the victory.His termination came on the same day he replied to an e-mail from reporters saying he would not apologize “for a wide-margin victory when my girls played with honor and integrity,” according to Fox News.Good for him.There is no reason this man should have to apologize for having a better team than his opponents.But his former employer feels differently.It seems the school has been willing to apologize to anyone who will listen.A statement was posted on the school’s Web site calling the win “shameful” and an “embarrassment” and was signed by the school’s headmaster and board chair.The Covenant School should not be giving in to the whims of the politically correct public in apologizing for its remarkable win. Let’s be real here: everybody likes a blowout — it’s good for the ego.The Covenant School’s girls probably have a level of swagger unmatched by any of their opponents, and they’re probably playing some pretty good ball right now.They were jacking 3-pointers in the fourth quarter of the game against Dallas Academy while fans and coaches cheered them on.These are telltale signs of having a high level of confidence in their abilities, and they can thank their dominating performance in the first three quarters of the game.When you’re on, you’re on.Nobody gave Kobe Bryant any lip when he went out and scored 81 points three years ago against the Toronto Raptors.We crowned it as one of the greatest performances of all time and heralded the Mamba as a beast among men in the NBA.These politically correct apologists didn’t give two bits about Toronto, their feelings or how it affected their psyche — and they shouldn’t have.The same should apply here.Lopsided outcomes are a part of life and sports.It’s a lesson we’ve all had to learn, so why does a man have to lose his job because he taught these girls a valuable lesson they won’t soon forget?They’ll forever know they have no future in basketball, and they’ll adjust life plans accordingly.It would have been a shame if one of these kids thought she had a future in the WNBA, only to realize all too late that she was awful and no one wanted her talents on their team.Athletes have always prided themselves on being better, stronger and faster than their opponents, and this team just proved that — even in sports — survival of the fittest still applies.If you can’t play basketball, you can’t play basketball.There is no reason Covenant Academy should have been expected to call off the dogs and coast to victory.If Dallas Academy didn’t want to get beat so bad, maybe they could have spent extra time in the gym taking jump shots.This PC junk has gotten out of hand, and now it’s tainting one of the few things I love: sports.—-Contact Johanathan Brooks at [email protected]
The Sixth Man: Firing represents nasty turn toward political correctness
February 3, 2009