Chancellor Michael Martin addressed the looming budget cuts the University faces to students, faculty and staff in broadcast e-mail Friday afternoon.”We will do all we can over the coming week to ensure that everyone in state government, the general public, legislators and LSU’s friends and alums fully understand the serious adverse impacts of any reduction in state support for LSU,” Martin wrote in the e-mail.Martin outlined the following dates in relation to the budget cuts:Mid-Feburary — a federal economic stimulus package which may affect the 2009-10 state and University budgetsFeb. 18 — the state’s next official revenue forecastMarch 13 — Gov. Bobby Jindal’s preliminary executive budget is submitted to the state legislatureApril 27 — the 2009 regular legislative session beginsJune 25 — the 2009 regular legislative session endsThe LSU System responded Wednesday to the Division of Administration’s “budget reduction exercise,” in which the DOA told System officials to outline a plan as if cuts in state funding occurred between about 18 and 30 percent next year.University administrators have met with faculty to develop plans during the past two weeks.Including the now permanent $10.3 million in mid-year budget cuts, LSU’s main campus in Baton Rouge would see a total budget reduction of about $71.9 million for the fiscal year beginning July 1 if state funds were cut by 30 percent, said Bob Kuhn, associate vice chancellor of Budget and Planning. The LSU System as a whole would see about $208.8 million in cuts under a 30 percent reduction.Jindal, whose administration ordered a $55 million mid-year reduction for higher education, told colleges to prepare for possible cuts between $212 million and $382 million next year. The Jindal administration is predicting a $2 billion shortfall for the 2009-2010 fiscal year beginning July 1.”The Governor and the Legislature have been strong in their support of higher education, and we know that they will find these consequences outlined in the budget reduction scenario unacceptable,” said System President John Lombardi. “Nonetheless, we were required to demonstrate how such reductions would impact our institutions, and that is what the document provides.”——Contact Kyle Bove at [email protected]
Martin outlines budget-cut dates in Broadcast e-mail – 4:20 p.m.
February 6, 2009