The 2009 Krispy Kreme Challenge attracted 5,519 participants — but not without challenges.Organizers had lists showing different winners at the end of the race. After some confusion during the award ceremony, including giving Cameron Dorn the second place medal only to tell him a few seconds later he was actually first, the three first place winners were announced: Dorn from South Carolina Lander University in first, Ben Jones from Duke University in second, and Matt Hoefs from the University of Wisconsin at Platteville in third.But the results posted Sunday afternoon showed a different list. Eric Mack, a senior in natural resources, was listed first, with Dorn in second and Jones in third.Kendall Fitzgerald, one of the co-chairs of the event, the reason for the confusion stemmed from the new chip timing system. Right after the runners left the start line, two or three of the runners had to be inputted manually and some organizers ended up losing that list.”Any time you implement a new system, there are going to be things that don’t work out,” he said.Fitzgerald also said when the racers began to cross the finish line, there was confusion about whether the finishers had actually eaten all dozen doughnuts.And according to Fitzgerald, the computerized chips also caused backup problems at the end of the race.”This was the first time we worked with the chip company,” Fitzgerald said. “Next year, they will know what we expect.”Mack said he didn’t stick around for the award ceremony anyway, so he didn’t hear about the confusion regarding his win at first.”It was no big deal. I was just doing it for fun and to support a good cause,” Mack said. “I felt that I hurt a few people’s feelings [by leaving]. I knew the media and everyone who organized the event that they wanted to put a face to first place.”He said he especially felt he disappointed Oblinger who was “thrilled to have the title back in Wolfpack country.”But Mack said one of the main reasons he left was because he didn’t want his coach to find out he had participated in the race, even to the point where he used a fictitious name — Stephen Prefontine, a play off of runner Steven Prefontaine’s name.And he said his roommates alerted him of the results later.”My roommates found them and said the News & Observer said they had disqualified me for for undisclosed reasons,” he said.
Q&A with the winners:
Eric MackSenior in natural resourcesFirst placeHow did you prepare for the KKC?I fasted for two days. I didn’t eat anything but a multivitamin … and [drank] green tea.What was your strategy?I really didn’t have a strategy because I was that much of a better runner than everyone out there. [Mack is on the track and cross country team].I do really love hot doughnuts though and they’re just really good.What was the best part about the race?I really enjoyed the T-shirt I made the night before, which it declared ‘happy birthday, mom,’ and I did that race in her honor and wanted to win for her.What was her reaction when she found out you won?She doesn’t know yet. I was waiting on some sort of visual or proof that I was slighted from.Why did you participate in the KKC?Just for a workout kind of, just to keep my legs stretched. I haven’t raced in a while.
Cameron DornLander UniversitySecond PlaceTechnician: How did you find out about the KKC?Dorn: Off the Internet, YouTube. [My friends and I] saw this video and we’re like, ‘that’s pretty cool, so we’re going to do it.’Technician: How did you prepare for the KKC?Dorn: We actually did a trial run Monday, just like a mock run, just to see if we would throw up. A mile and a half run, six doughnuts and a mile just to kind of gage the time.Technician: Do you regret the race at all?Dorn: I loved it. I mean, I never thought I’d win it, but that’s pretty cool.Technician: What was your strategy?Dorn: Just pace it out good, chug the doughnuts and then run back without [vomiting]. I just soaked three cups of water and then just pretty much had cereal with it.Technicinan: When you crossed the finish line, did you know you came in first?Dorn: I just knew about 20 minutes later.
Ben JonesDuke UniversityThird Place
Have you ever participated in the KKC before?This was my first.Did you prepare for the KKC?I did practice. I practiced last weekend. I ran two miles out to the Kroger off east campus, and ate a dozen doughnuts and ran back. It went well. I didn’t run that fast, but it was fun.What strategy did you use?I took three doughnuts and smashed them together and I poured water on them and then ate them like that.Did you know you were third when you crossed the finish line?I thought I was in the top five, and a few of my friends who were here told me I was third.
Matt HoefsWisconsin Platteville UniversityFourth placeHow did you decide to participate in the KKC?I actually saw it in a Runner’s World Magazine — I think it was last month’s and me and my friend just decided, ‘hey this is gonna be crazy, let’s do it.’Did you practice for the KKC?I actually ate six doughnuts at a time like twice. I tried to figure out the best way to do that.What strategy did you use?I made it into like a little crescent roll and then I just kind of knotted off, little by little, swallowing whole.Was there a point when you thought you couldn’t finish?Actually with about 20 meters left, I was like ‘Oh my God,’ but I ended up deciding it was worth it to cross the finish line.Did you know you were part of the first three when you crossed the finish line?I knew I was part of the first five, not the first three though.