Last Thursday as I was reading a newspaper, I chanced upon a rather disturbing advertisement. Generally the classifieds don’t even warrant a moment of my precious time. Boats, 1990s Ford Broncos and the prospect of bartending just don’t rank very high on my list. Perhaps it was divine intervention or maybe just dumb luck, but last Thursday one ad really wound me up. “Christian male seeking similar non-smoker, non-drinker, school focused, male students to share 4 bed 2 bath.” Perhaps the average Christian sees nothing offensive about this ad. The person who submitted this invitation clearly feels more comfortable in the company of like-minded individuals – there is nothing wrong with that. But does that grant him the right to arbitrarily eliminate the rest of society based solely on creed? All of us look for roommates on the basis of compatibility, that’s nothing more than human nature. If the student is compatible with study focused non-smokers and non-drinkers, that is his right. He paid for this advertisement – it is his right to request the sort of roommates he wants. But if you’d allow, I would like to demonstrate why this ad is so off course. Imagine if it read like this: Neo-nazi male seeking similar Holocaust denier, xenophobic, racist, male students to share 4 bed 2 bath. If that ran in the classifieds, I’d be willing to wager that every Civil Rights group from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People to the Anti-defamation League would be raising high hell. As a whole, N.C. State seems to miss the general point that discrimination in any form is still discrimination. Only searching for Neo-Nazi roommates is no different than only searching for Christian roommates. The sole difference is that 79 percent of North Carolinians are Christians, as opposed to the tiny sliver of society that espouses Neo-Nazi beliefs. I’m not here to challenge the student’s intentions. But rather, to challenge the underlying prejudice that exists all across this campus. The Free Expression Tunnel is just a little piece of a much larger problem. Not only does prejudice still exist at NCSU, but it thrives, because we, as a campus, have not openly addressed it. The campus administration has discussed implementing a mandatory diversity class to the curriculum for next year and seem to think that would have fixed the problem. In reality, nothing will change until the campus can address the very basic issues of race and religion. Perhaps I am horribly mistaken, but in my Bible, Jesus said that first one shall love God, and second one shall love thy neighbor as thyself. If this is the core tenant of Christianity, then this primarily Christian society has a lot of loving to do. I’m not saying that white Christian males must room with one Muslim, one Jewish and one black student, but it would be nice if creed was irrelevant. If instead of requesting white, Christian, male roommates, students requested roommates, just roommates. Call me an idealist. But if this campus could address these tiny pieces of discrimination, that would do far more good than any mandated discrimination class ever could.
Discrimination has many forms
February 23, 2009