Louisiana legislators are debating whether insurance companies should be forced to cover the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine because some feel it may promote youth promiscuity. But advocates champion the vaccine’s health benefits. The state has the right to require everyone with health care to be covered for certain vaccines. Many companies currently cover the HPV vaccine even though it’s not required. Though health insurance is sometimes covered by private employers, some government health plans, such as Medicare and Medicaid, are partially funded through taxes. The vaccine, commonly known as Gardasil, protects against four types of HPV, according to Hope McPhatter, Student Health Center wellness education coordinator. Only about 30 percent of HPV types are not protected against by the vaccine, McPhatter said.She said the most common types of HPV could cause genital warts, but more severe strains could cause cervical cancer.McPhatter said the vaccine is most effective in girls ages 11 to 12 and is no longer effective for women over age 26. “The whole target of the vaccine was to have parents get their children vaccinated because it’s more effective when they’re young,” said Lauren Drugiz, international diplomacy sophomore.Richard Nelson, mass communication professor and ethics expert, said there are two important sides of this issue. On one side, people need to consider that U.S. taxpayers would be paying for the insurance.The other side of the issue is concerned with the health consequences of not receiving the vaccine. Julie Mickelberry, planned parenthood representative, said no evidence shows that girls who received the vaccine became more sexually active. “The vaccine should be accessible to everyone,” Mickelberry said. “We have an opportunity to fight against cervical cancer, so we should take advantage of it by insuring the vaccine.”Mickelberry said statistics show about 50 percent of girls become sexually active before graduating from high school. This is why it is important for girls to receive the vaccine at a young age.”Parents should make sure that their daughters are vaccinated before they become sexually active,” Mickelberry said.Nelson said some people believe it’s best to make sure children are protected from HPV because parents can’t completely control their children’s decisions.Jeanne Parr, communications studies senior, agrees with Nelson.”If people want to have sex, they’re going to do it anyways,” Parr said. “It’s better to be protected.”McPhatter said the disease is spread through genital contact — usually sex.Some people morally feel the vaccine isn’t appropriate to insure.”I agree with the fact that it promotes underage sex,” said Kayla Kron, child and family studies freshman. “If girls get the vaccine, they can sleep with whoever they want and at least not have to worry about [HPV].”Nelson said although girls who receive the vaccine may not be concerned with contracting HPV, contracting STDs is still a concerning issue. “A vaccine isn’t going to change the way somebody behaves completely,” Nelson said.Mickelberry said doctors who give the vaccine can teach girls about protecting themselves against STDs.”The vaccine gives teens the tools to protect themselves before they ever become sexually active,” Mickelberry said.—-Contact Nichole Oden at [email protected]
Legislature debates insuring HPV vaccine
February 5, 2009