The Women’s Center will present the film “Almost Myself” for the Gender on Film showcase today at 6 p.m. at the Center.Gender on Film selects an array of films dealing with women and gender issues annually to promote interest and conversation in regard to the given topics around campus. A discussion group led by professionals follows each film. “Almost Myself” tells the story of a man who obtains a sex change and details his experiences in the transgender community. The film aims to display the trials and tribulations of transcending gender.The film is meant to humanize transgendered people for those who have not come in contact with transgendered people, said Catherine Hopkins, director of the Women’s Center.”It also examines the concept that gender is not binary but a fluid continuum that everyone falls on,” Hopkins said.This specific film was chosen in support of the National Transgender Day of Remembrance on Nov. 20. This national holiday is a meant to memorialize those killed because of anti-transgender hatred and prejudice, Hopkins said. National Transgender Day of Remembrance began in 1999. After the death of Rita Hester. a transgender woman brutally murdered in her Massachusetts home in November 1998. Her death rattled the community and led to an outflow of anger and grief. “Remembering Our Dead,” a Web site made to commemorate those murdered by transgender hate crimes, was created, and a candlelit vigil was held in San Francisco in Hester’s honor. The observance has grown into a national event, now celebrated in hundreds of cites and more than fifteen countries, according to National Transgender Day of Remembrance’s official Web site.The memorial has reached as far as Kenya and Australia, according to the Web site.”I would definitely go see it,” said Ruth Navarre, music junior. “It’s worth informing ourselves about.”The Women’s Center will show “The Souls of Black Girls” in February, “Girls Rock!” in March and “Crimes of Honour” in April.Follow Lindsay Nunez on Twitter @tdr_lnunez.–Contact Lindsay Nunez at [email protected]
Women’s Center explores gender
November 19, 2009