Editor’s note: This column is the second in a four-part series. My mother spent a lot of her time trying to raise a good Southern belle. Seeing how I’m as much my father’s daughter as I am hers, she definitely had her work cut out for her. I didn’t quite turn out a prim debutante who loves to host teas and never raises her voice, but Mama managed to at least instill a good sense of how to act in public and a respect for other people.My next few columns are dedicated to those classmates who weren’t quite so lucky.One thing my mama doesn’t know much about is bars. But I think she’d agree there is a classy way to behave even in such a notoriously trashy milieu.1. Being drunk is not a free pass to act like a jerk or a pervert. It’s a free pass to dance like an idiot, fall off your stilettos, and make out with strangers, but not to infringe on anyone else’s night of debauchery.2. Tip your bartenders. These are the people who get you drunk and then put up with you. They deserve your respect, plus 20 percent.3. Mind your cigarette. Bars are the last indoor bastions of liberty for smokers — don’t ruin it by blowing smoke in someone’s face. It’s not sexy, just gross. Unless you just took a shot of Rumple Minze, your breath is probably not awesome, and cigarettes don’t help. And I know it’s hard after a few drinks, but be careful where you hold your actual cigarette — burns hurt, even if they’re accidental. What’s more, Tide To Go doesn’t do much for burn holes in clothes.4. While go-go dancers and shot girls may work at bars, they don’t “work” at bars. Don’t treat them like prostitutes.5. Don’t dance all up on somebody without asking. It is never sexy when someone comes up behind you and begins grinding their pelvis on your booty without ever having spoken to you. It’s always creepy, and often upsetting.6. If, in your perfect recreation of the “Single Ladies” video, you knock into the skank next to you and your drink slips from your violently flailing hands, you should tell someone who works there, especially if you broke a glass or a bottle. You weren’t the first, and you won’t be the last. Save someone else the embarrassment and potential injury of slipping and falling, and save the establishment a lawsuit.7. Dancing on the bar at midnight on a Friday night/Saturday morning after four Long Island iced teas and two tequila shots is neither the time nor the place to open up about how you felt when you were eight and your second cousin got divorced and it, like, totally affected you. There certainly is a time and place for deep, serious conversations, but it never coincides with Miller Time or JL’s Place.8. Don’t post embarrassing drunk photos of your friends on Facebook, even if you don’t tag them. That is not cool.9. If you get sick, it’s time to quit and call a cab. Vomiting is your body’s way of saying “Hey, I’m not fit to be in public anymore! I’m ready for some Cheetos and a nap.”10. I shouldn’t have to say this, but don’t do things that could get you arrested. This includes using fake ID’s, driving drunk and getting in fights. These are all very bad ideas, and they ruin the party for everyone.Contrary to popular belief, being young and stupid means you are not ready to be in the bar. That’s why God made Reggie’s.Sara Boyd is a 22-year-old general studies junior from Baton Rouge. Follow her on Twitter @TDR_sboyd. –Contact Sara Boyd at [email protected]
Age of Delightenment: It’s hard to act classy at bars, but you can do it
November 12, 2009