Tiger Stadium has lost its Death Valley mystiqueI would like to pose a question to LSU football fans: Has Tiger Stadium lost its Death Valley mystique? As a season ticket holder for over a dozen years, it’s my opinion that in the last few years we have lost our edge. The overall 12th man effect of the crowd is not meeting the levels I experienced from the mid-point of the Dinardo era through the end of the Saban term and early in the Miles tenure. Maybe the expectations of fans after two championships in the previous five years have risen to the point that they psychologically don’t feel that they need to be as emotional as previously — when Tiger fans were screaming with prolific volume to emotionally lift the team as the 12th man.With Florida coming in on Saturday as the No. 1-rated team in college football, now is the opportunity to re-establish the mystique. The 12th man can assist the 11 on the field and affect the Gators. It’s time to encourage all the folks sitting around you in Tiger Stadium to get off of their hands and let loose with the vocals. The path to a championship in 2009 must be through a process of defeating Florida at least once and maybe twice. On Saturday night 82,000 Tigers can impress the nation again, and it can be known once more that the toughest place to play and win in the country is Death Valley on a Saturday night.Lawrence A. GardnerLoxley, Alabama– – –University parking forgoes fall breakI woke up today and walked outside to see what was an alarmingly empty residential parking lot. You know it’s a holiday when those “prime” spots are just ripe for the taking. What was troubling was that I also saw three parking tickets on commuter vehicles, most likely friends of ECA residents who had stayed the night. It seems LSU parking didn’t get the memo about fall break. Now, I’m all for LSU having a well-organized system of parking regulation, but this is a bit absurd. It’s safe to say a large percentage of the residential population has left for the long weekend, and the demand for green and blue zone parking is ridiculously low. Yes, LSU faculty still have work to do, so policing the red and yellow zones makes perfect sense. But if the purpose of parking tickets is to ensure parking for students who need it, when they need it, then giving out parking tickets on a student holiday is more of an annoyance than a need. This, mind you, is coming from someone who is normally content to see illegally parked cars ticketed throughout the school week. So, LSU parking, it’s time for the fall break holiday. Kick off your boots, and try to relax. In the mean time, I will tell my off-campus friends not to visit me before 4:30 p.m., lest they suffer the consequences.Chris WilliamsFrench and history junior– – – -Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the Editor: 10/05/09
October 4, 2009