Student section needs to change a few thingsI am writing to you today to hopefully right some wrongs I have witnessed taking place in our haven that is Tiger Stadium over the past few years. Now I want to preface this letter by saying I know it’s not everyone; I know it’s not ONLY freshmen. We are all guilty of something, and hopefully, with this letter, we can amend these issues.1. Saving seats, surprisingly, IS allowed in Tiger Stadium. When I get to the stadium almost three hours early, sit there for almost three hours, and miss out on tailgating for almost three hours to save seats in the lower part of the student section, I earn that right. Do NOT come in ten minutes before the game starts and think that there are magically enough seats for you and your friends in the lower section when the rest of the student section is packed. Those seats aren’t for you, and don’t whine to me when I tell you to leave. Go to the top — you only have yourself to blame.2. We sound like morons when we can’t clap to a beat. Simple as that. We LOOK like morons when we can’t clap to a beat, when someone is showing us HOW to clap. I understand that it can be difficult to hear the beat of the bass drum as the band is taking the field for pregame, I do! But that doesn’t change the fact that the cheerleaders are on the field showing us exactly WHEN to clap. Start slow student body, stay slow, and sloooowly speed up. Watch the cheerleaders if you can’t hear — seriously, what else are they good for? If the band has taken two steps on the field and you’re already applauding like you just saw Tebow get sacked, you’re going too fast.3. I think poppers are a great tradition for us during the National Anthem. But people, explain to me why would you pop them during, “And the rocket’s red glare,” when the very next line is, “The bombs bursting in air!” I’m almost positive that a popping firework is more appropriate for the sound of a bomb instead of the sight of a red glare. So please, steady your trigger finger, wait one more line, and burst your bombs at the appropriate moment.4. The band doesn’t mess around. We know this. They can and will take away songs that we love. No matter how dumb we think it is, and how overly politically correct the band and University are being just because we say the word “suck,” they obviously back up their talk. So please, let’s keep “Oh-wee-Oh!” Many of your fellow students have worked hard to get that song back at our games, so as much as Florida does suck, let’s drown them out with an “Oh-Wee-Oh TIGERS” and keep our song!5. This weekend is the biggest weekend of our season, of our school year, and of your life (you know it’s true). The Florida Gators and their golden-boy Tebow are coming to town with a No. 1 ranking. Please, student section, be the mass of angry, loud, belligerent, overbearing students that I know we can be. I can’t wait for a Tebow sack and to do the Gator chomp at the end of the game screaming “It sucks to be a FLORIDA GATOR!” So let’s make it happen.So, my beloved student body, I think with these changes, we can have a cohesive, smart and dashingly good-looking student section that knows how to clap, when to pop fireworks and will make Florida wish that they had never entered Baton Rouge.Jake BermanKinesiology Senior —-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the Editor: 10/06/09
October 5, 2009