The University is receiving various grants from the National Institutes of Health as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The $1.48 million is federal stimulus dollars that the Veterinary School will receive makes up eight of those grants.
Much of the money will be used to pay the salaries of researchers and graduate students.
The grants will help to support ongoing research projects as well as start new ones, which will includes research into human health and diseases, such as cancer treatment.
“The research we do helps people as well as animals,” Ginger Guttner, public relations coordinator for the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine. “The grants are going to enhance that research, and that helps everybody.”
After a grant is applied for the Office of Sponsored Programs is notified by the awarding agency, the terms and conditions are reviewed, and the award is accepted. The time it takes to receive money for research grants depends on the start date of the agreement and is different in every case.
Associate dean for Research and Advanced Studies Dr. Thomas Klei said in a prepared statement that the awards indicated strength and quality of the Veterinary School’s biomedical research and that the grants would help researchers gain more grants to continue research efforts.