The Faculty Senate and Office of Academic Affairs will host theirsecond roundtable panel discussion this afternoon on the topic ” LSUThinks Big: The Illustrative Cases–Arts and Humanities; Science andTechnology; Coast and the Community.”
The panel will include coastal studies professor Robert Twilley; DavidCronrath, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Brooks Keel, vicechancellor of research and economic development; and Stacia Haynie,vice provost of Academic Affairs. The group will convene to discuss”big initiatives” and academics at the University.
The roundtable will be held at 3:30 p.m. in 143 Coates Hall.
—-Contact Ryan Buxton at [email protected]
Faculty Senate hosts “Big 3” roundtable – 10:30 a.m.
October 29, 2009