Hordes of costumed party enthusiasts will cover Carlotta Street for the 30th consecutive year to celebrate the coming of All Hallows’ Eve.The event is traditionally held on the Saturday of Halloween weekend, but to avoid Saturday’s gameday commotion, the block party will take place Friday, Oct. 30.”It’s the biggest block party that happens in the city,” said Jared Loftus, president of North Gate Merchants Association and owner of the store Tiger District on Highland Road. “The streets are packed, and people are just hanging out, having a good time.”The members of the neighborhood and the North Gate Merchants Association put on the event. Local bands’ live music streams through the air and various venders line the street, providing entertainment for the partygoers.After the party filled the street in 2007, the police shut it down. The city then approached the North Gate Merchants Association about making the Carlotta Street party a legitimate event. A police command unit of more than 40 officers will be present at the event to ensure everything runs smoothly and no one’s safety is compromised, Loftus said.The Baton Rouge Police Department and the North Gate Merchants Association have been working together since March to choose the best locations for command posts.”We have everything in position as we did last year, and hopefully there won’t be any disturbances,” said Cpl. L’Jean McKneely, BRPD. “We hope everyone can have a good time and behave in a responsible manner.””It was really good last year,” said Kate Troyer, political science sophomore. “It was a lot better than the year before when the cops broke it up.”The association now funds the permits and insurance needed to close the road so the party can safely take place, Loftus said.”There was no sense in fighting it,” Loftus said. “It’s in our business’ backyards, and things can get ugly if they are not organized.”Loftus said the neighborhood comes together to put on the party without corporate sponsors. But the association would like to work with the neighborhood to eventually find a partner to help fund the event as it continues to grow in size.”I’ll definitely be there,” said Emony Roane, political science sophomore. “It should be a good time.”
– – – -Conatct Lindsay Nunez at [email protected]
Carlotta block party returns
October 14, 2009