The LSU System Board of Supervisors will discuss pay raises forseveral athletic coaches and enrollment data for fall 2009 at itsOctober meeting Friday.
Proposed contract changes for men’s basketball head coach TrentJohnson would include a one-year extension in his contract to June2014, a supplemental pay increase and a longevity bonus.
Other proposed athletic contract changes include a contract extensionto 2011 for Flan Flory, women’s volleyball coach, and pay raises forhead coaches of women’s soccer, golf and tennis.
The Board will also present enrollment figures for fall 2009 anddiscuss a proposal to lease the Tiger Athletic Foundation to completeimprovements on Alex Box Stadium.
The Board meeting will be held Friday at 1p.m. in the LSU SystemBuilding, located at 3810 West Lakeshore Dr.
—-Contact Ryan Buxton at [email protected]