Recently, Anheuser-Busch announced plans to make a special LSU-colored Bud Light can, which is scheduled to be released in time for this upcoming football season.So far the idea has received conflicting feedback from fans.While some fans appear to be pleased with the prospects of a new purple and gold design, many realize the potential harm it could have if a few unruly fans act insensibly.By putting the LSU colors on beer cans, they argue, Bud Light is simply provoking the sort of bad behavior the University has been trying to reduce.Though the Bud Light logo may just be a slick profiting scheme, it should also serve as a vivid reminder to students and graduates, alike, that their behavior is a direct representation of the University.As true fans of the University, all LSU supporters should aim to present the best possible example for our state and our academic institution.There’s nothing wrong with displaying passion in the stands on the tailgating grounds or on the road. However, passionate support for our team should never be an excuse for illicit or unwelcoming behavior.Students should think of the can as a reminder that when they hold a LSU colored beer in their hands, they are also responsible for upholding the integrity of the University.
Our View: LSU-themed beer can could damage University’s image
July 30, 2009