This summer has been a rollercoaster.For starters, it’s been far more stressful than I expected it to be.But as Jay Shelledy, director of student media, told me, it wouldn’t have been stressful if we didn’t care about making the best paper we could.The good news is I am very proud of the product we’ve given campus this summer.I hope the summer staff feels the same way, and I hope our readers have enjoyed our work — it was a hell of a lot of work.And while I feel this summer has been another solid step in a strong forward march The Daily Reveille has been on since even before my time at the paper, the future is all the more exciting.We’ve improved in a lot of ways and added several new features during the last few years, and readers should expect that to continue in the fall.Nicholas Persac will take over as editor next week, and I couldn’t have any more faith in another successor at this juncture in The Daily Reveille’s progress.I’ll be sticking around as managing editor over content, and we’ll return as large a percentage of our staff from last year as I can remember for any recent fall semester.This will allow us to focus even more on those new features I mentioned.The first addition that comes to mind will be new “segment videos” on of these as mini-television shows visitors to our Web site can watch.Another big addition to will be an orientation page complete with stories relevant to incoming freshmen and transfer students.And this page will include a map of campus complete with pictures of each building.Readers can also expect our coverage of football to expand both online and in our print edition.So bookmark as your go-to page for all LSU football news.The entertainment section will undergo its own change this fall.Entertainment will now run on Thursdays instead of Mondays and Thursdays.The push will be for a higher quality to make up for the lower quantity of entertainment sections.And remember, we’ll be updating the Web site constantly.All in all, I’d like to thank everyone for checking out The Daily Reveille and this summer and all the past editors and Reveille employees for putting Nick and myself in a position to succeed.I look forward to the opportunity to work with Nick, and I hope all our readers are ready for the next step in the newspaper’s evolution.It should be a good one.And I strongly encourage everyone to stay tuned to and pick up the next print edition (August 24) to keep up with the progress.I assure you it will be well worth your while.
—–Contact Jerit Roser at [email protected]
From the Editor’s Desk: Look forward to new Reveille features in August
July 30, 2009