These are not easy times — not for America, Louisiana or the University.We wish they were, but wishes in this instance tend to be pretty useless.The economy might be coming back, but it hasn’t been fixed yet. And all around the University, it feels like things are falling apart. Whether it’s money being cut from an already somewhat too small budget or construction being halted, there are many places to throw stones at the administration.But before casting the first stone, a clear look into the reasons why the University makes these decisions is necessary.For example, construction on a parking garage was supposed to begin this year, but the project will be held until interest rates decline, according to Gary Graham, director of Parking, Traffic and Transportation at LSU.There is also the epic story of the Union construction, which some students will have had to look at through the duration of their entire collegiate years.It’s frustrating. It’s annoying. It makes us want to blame somebody and punish somebody.But sometimes, holding off is the best decision the University can make.We have to think of our school as more than just a service to us. We have to consider long-term impacts these decisions make. While it may be frustrating to spend years struggling to park at the University, perhaps holding off on the garage will save money to help allow academics to flourish even more. And maybe, when applying for a job, that much more is exactly the push needed for the potential employee to laude your degree.It isn’t easy to accept these things. Times are hard.But we urge everyone, including ourselves at The Daily Reveille, to keep in mind the long-term goals of the University.Because, who knows?The 10-minute walk may be worth it in a few years.—–Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: ‘Drawn out’ construction projects may be a good thing
July 16, 2009