Dear Editor:I was shocked by the publication of a cartoon on page 13 of The Daily Reveille on Monday. I thought it was in pitiful taste to bring up an episode concerning the late Sen. Kennedy. No one has forgotten what happened in Chappaquiddick, least of all the late senator, who I am sure relived it many times during his life. I do not intend to excuse what happened there, but I also feel this was not necessarily the time to publish something like that. All the coverage concerning Senator Kennedy’s career highlighted all the good and outstanding things he did during his career in the Senate. He became the conscience of America, especially America’s poor and disadvantaged. While a wealthy man, he was profoundly concerned about the poor and did what he could to improve their lives.Joseph V. Ricapitoforeign language professor
Letter to the Editor: Late Sen. should get more respect
September 1, 2009