NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Officials at Delgado Community College in New Orleans say 1,500 would-be students were turned away for the fall semester because of lingering damage from Hurricane Katrina. Needed buildings are still not repaired because Delgado’s damage estimates are far from what the Federal Emergency Management Agency is ready to pay. For instance, FEMA has said it would pay close to $19 million to furnish ruined buildings on the City Park campus. But Delgado Chancellor Ron Wright’s estimate of the need is $40 million. “This is my 39th year in community colleges, and I never turned away a student” before this semester, Wright said last week. “Never.” One factor in the disparity is the cost of replacing equipment. While FEMA’s appraisals set prices at the levels seen decades ago, when the equipment was bought, “I’ve got to put them back at 2009 prices,” Wright said.
FEMA fight leaves New Orleans community college short
September 6, 2009