Health Center displays lack of common senseI am astounded at the behavior of the LSU Health Center. A brief story is all I need to make my point.I came in to the health center for a simple sprained limb. While I was at the desk, a young lady came up and complained of her chest hurting and CLEARLY had trouble breathing. The receptionist responded with the following: “Do you have an appointment?”The lady was taken aback and honestly, standing next to her, so was I. She said, “No,” and the lady asked her if she had her ID.The girl asked, “What ID?” and eventually this ended with her Tigercard being thrown on the counter. This seemed understandable, as once again, she could not breathe very well. You know, respiration, inflating and deflating of the lungs, etc. I was called back to see the doctor at that time so I do not know the rest of the aftermath.My point is, if I have trouble breathing, I am not going to make an appointment; I am going to come in and expect to get help without being given a degrading look for not having made an appointment.Had I been in her position, my lawyer would be the next phone call I made (that would be of course if I didn’t stop breathing from lack of medical care).So, for the moment, let’s forget this talk about health care and insurance overhaul. How about we start with a little common sense among our offices?I support the staff there as much as I can for what they are doing, but this is just plain ludicrous.Stephen Treeseanimal sciences graduate student”Lost Generation” no worse than our predecessorsIn his View From Another School, Professor Mark Bauerlein calls us the “dumbest generation.” As an English professor, he probably knows far more about the world than a lowly undergrad like me, but I am so sick of hearing criticism about my generation. For once, I want people to see what it’s like from the inside. We are a generation of citizens of the United States who have grown to understand that We The People do not run the country. We The Corporations, We The Lobbyists — who control We The Politicians — control what happens in the grand ‘ole U. S. of A. Elections where men with fewer votes win, budget cuts that seem to only ever cut our education, wars waged for years when no one is particularly sure what they are being waged over, have spun us around in so many confusing circles that all we can do is fall to our butts and try not to throw up, as the world continues to whirl around us. In generations past we have seen the Greatest Generation rally together to do everything possible for our country’s victory. We have also seen the Flower Generation stand in the way of marching men and refuse to accept the status quo. And we are told that our Generation does nothing. Inactive. M.I.A. But the Greatest Generation was rallying against a man committing mass genocide in a number of different countries. The Flower Generation fought the status quo and stood against conformity and they cried out, “One day we will run this country!” Well, that day has come and gone, and things are the same, if not worse. And now it is our turn. The Lost Generation does not rally, does not fight, does not vote, does not delude themselves that We The People has existed since the death of our forefathers. We The Lost Generation fight within ourselves the unending battle of assimilation into the young Republicans or the Young Democrats vs. refusal to assimilate at all. We The Lost Generation have lost so many strong men and women to the distractions of celebrity news and “art” that has been manufactured like a Ford T, instead of being created by an actual human being. We The Lost Generation are searching our homes, schools, states, countries, and world for the true path, because the one thing we can say we know is that no one can find us but ourselves.Elise Orellanabiological sciences junior—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the Editor: 09/28/09
September 27, 2009